Cost Effective

About the same per-mile cost as an Uber Premier ride?
Yes—really. If you look closely enough into charter membership programs or fractional ownership, and dig through all the hidden fees, you’ll find fully-allocated costs per hour starting well north of $10,000. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Now in the post-COVID era, the used aircraft market is back within the bookends of its normal ebb and flow. There’s been some recent softening of prices of modern, high quality airplanes, the vast majority having less than the equivalent of two years of airline use on their airframes and engines.

And for discreet companies and individuals who would prefer to have an airplane be their secret time machine, leasing is always an option, keeping it off your balance sheet.

We offer our seasoned, boutique aircraft management experience to help you enjoy the greatest return on your aircraft investment. You’ll experience not only inflight service tailored to your requirements, but you’ll benefit from our skill in maintaining your aircraft’s utility, comfort, value, and appearance.