
We’re a small team of career aviation professionals who thoroughly enjoy aircraft management.

We take pride in being entrusted with an asset that for most owners enables their greatest lifestyle enhancement: the control of time and place with ease.

Whether the purpose of your trip is taking another step to solidify your legacy, or the making of lasting memories with those dear to you, we understand we’re entrusted with your time. And while we often have a good deal of fun preparing for and executing your flight, we take very seriously our role as custodians of your time, your asset, and your loved ones.

Sonny’s flying career began in 1993 when he graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Florida. He’s since logged over 14,000 hours of flight time flying to 25 countries, and flown around the world three times.

SonnyD at coairmgmt.com

In addition to his experience as a professional pilot, Sonny is also a self-described private aviation evangelist— which inspired him to launch CoAir. He is dedicated to custom-designing your private aviation solution, because he believes that’s the key to ensuring the best possible balance between your work life and the lives of those who matter most to you.

He lives with his wife and son in Lake Oswego, Oregon.