Your World Is About to Change


You’d love to fly in your own airplane.


Imagine the freedom, the control of your time. Your increased productivity will allow you to explore and exploit exciting new opportunities. Difficult choices between family life and business growth become much easier. Too bad it just never penciled out.


That is, until now.





Private Aviation

You’ll fly away at the time of your choosing, and head for home the instant your business is complete. With nearly seamless voice and data connectivity, you’ll be in control as you travel—as if the world is moving to your schedule. You’re free to eat, think, reflect, organize, reply, discuss, and develop. This is true productivity.

Simple, easy and cost-effective.

Proof: An autumn 2010 a study by Nexa Advisors, LLC sampled every S&P SmallCap 600 company for which complete data was available from 2005-2009, and found among those 378 firms that “Operationally, [business aviation] users generated more income based on productivity and efficiency, outperforming in both EBITDA and earnings (230% and 219% higher, respectively).”

Which return would you prefer?

Freedom + control = profits.

This investment will change your life in the same way a time machine would, giving you the best possible balance between your work life and the lives of those who matter most to you. For a properly managed (and frequently flown) smaller airplane, the fully allocated cost per mile approaches what you’d pay for Uber Premier.

That’s right—less than eight dollars per mile.

Let us show you how easy it is to get started.

Cost Effective

About the same per-mile cost as an Uber Premier ride?
Yes—really. If you look closely enough into charter membership programs or fractional ownership, and dig through all the hidden fees, you’ll find fully-allocated costs per hour starting well north of $10,000. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Now in the post-COVID era, the used aircraft market is back within the bookends of its normal ebb and flow. There’s been some recent softening of prices of modern, high quality airplanes, the vast majority having less than the equivalent of two years of airline use on their airframes and engines.

And for discreet companies and individuals who would prefer to have an airplane be their secret time machine, leasing is always an option, keeping it off your balance sheet.

We offer our seasoned, boutique aircraft management experience to help you enjoy the greatest return on your aircraft investment. You’ll experience not only inflight service tailored to your requirements, but you’ll benefit from our skill in maintaining your aircraft’s utility, comfort, value, and appearance.


Good consulting can only start with good listening. Like investing, your biggest obstacle may not be what you don’t know, but that what you know isn’t quite so.

Talking about airplanes and ownership structures and competing interests can get complicated in a hurry. We’ll ask questions to assess your needs, and guide you through exploring the multitude of options available to you in the private aviation marketplace.

Depending on your needs, some combination of charter, fractional ownership, shared ownership or even whole aircraft ownership will be the most cost-effective private aviation solution to meet your requirements. Or not.

Is your head spinning yet? Thought so. If balancing acquisition price with fixed and variable operating costs isn’t your idea of a fun time, you’ve definitely come to the right place. We’ll rollup our sleeves to develop the most cost-effective way to make private air travel a pleasure for you— the way it should be.

Aircraft Management

Convenient, all-inclusive service.
Aircraft ownership — the easy way.

You buy it, we fly it. And clean it…and hangar it…and maintain it. We cover all the little details required to make your seamless and convenient travel look easy. Our commitment to total asset management preserves the value of your aircraft while maximizing its utility, freeing you to enjoy hassle-free travel on your own schedule.

When you’re running a company with clients, key partners, or stakeholders away from the Portland area, you also want to make the most of those relationships, while still making the best use of your time. The question becomes, “Which aircraft and what ownership arrangement best enhances the value of your enterprise?”
Properly managed, the fully-allocated cost per mile can be equivalent to what you’d pay for un Uber Premier ride. That’s right— around $8.00 per mile. Let us show you how easy it is to get started.

Here’s what we can offer:
• Help you choose the aircraft that best meets your requirements, respecting your budget;
• Advise which ownership structure (shared, leased, owned, managed, etc) best suits the needs of all participants
• Guide you through the selection and purchase process;
• Place your airplane into service;
• Manage it to preserve its value and maximize its utility.


We’re a small team of career aviation professionals who thoroughly enjoy aircraft management.

We take pride in being entrusted with an asset that for most owners enables their greatest lifestyle enhancement: the control of time and place with ease.

Whether the purpose of your trip is taking another step to solidify your legacy, or the making of lasting memories with those dear to you, we understand we’re entrusted with your time. And while we often have a good deal of fun preparing for and executing your flight, we take very seriously our role as custodians of your time, your asset, and your loved ones.

Sonny’s flying career began in 1993 when he graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Florida. He’s since logged over 14,000 hours of flight time flying to 25 countries, and flown around the world three times.

SonnyD at

In addition to his experience as a professional pilot, Sonny is also a self-described private aviation evangelist— which inspired him to launch CoAir. He is dedicated to custom-designing your private aviation solution, because he believes that’s the key to ensuring the best possible balance between your work life and the lives of those who matter most to you.

He lives with his wife and son in Lake Oswego, Oregon.


Not Just For Snobs Anymore

A two minute story about traveling to a noon meeting, done two ways: